Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The Plunge

Okay, so I've been saying FOREVER, "I really should have/start/actually write in a blog" and today, sitting here with a pile of papers to grade and a to-do list miles long, I've decided that the time has come. I am now officially a "blogger."

The original idea for the blog was a "diary of a first year teacher" of sorts. Yes, I know, its a Completely and Entirely original idea for a blog (or a book or even a documentary). No one in the world has ever done anything like THAT. I think the cheesiness of that idea kept me from writing.

But now I'm realizing that A. It's really practical...people are always asking how its going. And B. it doesn't have to only be about teaching. I'm going through a re-evaluation of my life right now where I'm realizing that I care a lot about teaching, education, and my students, but I don't want that to define me.

So the blog--its called Teachable Moments because this summer when I was in teacher boot camp we talked alot about "teachable moments"--opportunites that randomly arise to give students/people an object lesson of sorts. I assumed that I'd be having a lot of these for myself and wanted to share them. That's been true. What I didn't realize is that these moments pop up about six times a minute...but that's another story for another posting. I'm going to post things that I encounter in teaching and just in life in general. There will be a lot of stories, some thoughts, maybe even questions. Feel free to read at your leisure, and pass the link along to friends, but I have to be honest, I LOVE COMMENTS. If something makes you smile or sparks your interest, please let me know. I love the dialogue.

That's enough for today. In upcoming entries: where I teach, what I teach, and other factoids about life.


Dave Sandell said...

I call dibs on first comment!

Very cool... looking forward to reading! love, me.

Lexie said...

VERITY HAS A BLOG! how cool! love it. xxxx lexie